Saturday, December 10, 2011

ipad Blog-QRI

Every year teachers are to perform 2 QRI's (Qualitative Reading Inventory) on students; once in the fall and another in the spring. A QRI provides diagnostic information  on how students identify and decode words as well as text comprehension. The QRI was designed to provide a variety of different opportunities to observe a student's reading behavior. There are 3 components to completing a QRI; word list, assessment of prior knowledge, and comprehension of reading passages. In order to successfully assess a students reading each component must be performed. This week I completed 5 QRI's and the results thus far has been amazing. Every one of the students that I tested have improved in recalling words, fluency and comprehension of text. I would like to presume that the usage of K12 Reading Practice Lite had some impact on improving my students reading. The repetition of allowing students to read short stories daily improved their fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Thus far my students have increased their reading by 1 - 3 levels. One of my lowest students who began as a Pre-Primer (kindergarten level)  is now reading on a 2nd grade level. Even though he is still reading below grade level he has made much growth. 

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